Balance: Equinox Gathering
Indoor/Outdoor at Avebury Stone Circle
Meditation Workshop
Sunday 25th September 2022
10.30 to 16.30 BST (UK Time)
Special Price: Only £55.55
See full details and terms & conditions below
Join us at the ancient Stone Circle of Avebury, Wiltshire, UK, to participate in a whole day of indoor/outdoor Meditations to connect in a conscious way with the Cosmic Vibrations of Equinox and the Libra New Moon.
On this date, 25th September 2022, we truly have an equal length of day and night in Avebury, with 12 hour of daylight. This equilibrium state coincides with the inception of a new lunar cycle, where the Sun and Moon come together on the zodiac wheel at two degrees of Libra. Libra is the sign of balance, represented by the scales, and the energy here strives to influences a harmonious dynamic in relationships.
Sue Coulson and Tom Theunissen are co-creating this event to unite fundamental feminine and masculine vibrations. Sue brings intuitive messages from our star allies through her words and Tom will be contribute his unique sacred sounds to form an energetic 'Temple of Harmony', to instill a deep sense of Peace in both heart and mind.
Outdoors we will use body-dowsing techniques to investigate the polarized masculine and feminine energy currents, Michael & Mary, which flow through this sacred site. Then we will also engage with these earth-energies at the places where they merge, generating vortex points in the earth-grids. (No prior dowsing skills are required).
Indoors, our relaxed gathering aims to provide a safe space to connect deeply with an inner sense of peace. Through guided meditation and sacred sounds you are invited to explore the balance between: one's masculine/feminine archetypal aspects, head/heart, within/without, above/below, Earth/Stars, and the integrated dynamic of singularity/unity as we focus on the role of the sovereign Self in collective consciousness.
Our time together will be watch over by the High Elven Beings of the Pleiades Stars, who bring their loving presence to support us, and their Star Wisdom to guide us. ​There presence exuded a noble mastery of the Self, with a sense of utter stillness within and an ethereal grace so beautiful it makes you catch your breath in awe. They inform us that important Star-Codes are ready to be received at this potent time of congruity from some of the other Star Nations. You will be asked to assist in delivering these starry transmission safely to the Earth during our meditations throughout the day.
Ultimately, the united sense of balanced peace we strive to reach will contribute greatly to the harmonization of the collective heart-field, raising the vibration of the foundations which support the advancement in consciousness for ALL.
This gathering is hosted by Sue Coulson, the founder of the Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.
Sue has been visiting the stones at each moon phase & seasonal shift to study the energy of Avebury Henge for over 15 years as part of the Psychic Survey project. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw upon to make this a unique way to expand your awareness of your Multi-Dimensional Self, and how you connect to the Cosmos.
Cosmic Connection Meditations are held for the Full Moon and New Moon zenith each month. View the details HERE
To read insights from previous event click HERE
Tom Theunissen will be traveling from Belgium to contribute his unique sacred sounds to our gathering with his voice, drum, singing bowls, bells and other instruments.
Tom began his journey with sound healing in 2020 and now regularly contributes to the Dreamtime Healing Concerts® at Zennergi in Bilzen (Belgium).

In Person Events: Additional information, terms & conditions.
Free parking is available. Car-share where possible is appreciated as there is limited space. Parking instructions will be sent in your confirmation Email.
Indoor Venue
Hot drinks, bottled water and snacks will be provided on a self service basis.
Please brings a packed lunch for yourself. Plates and utensils are available to use from the kitchen.
You are invited to bring mats, pillows and blankets if you would prefer to lay down, rather than sit, during the sacred sound session.
We will spend around 2 hours of this event outdoors among the sacred stones of the Avebury Circle. Here you will be guided through a number of visualization meditation to facilitate awareness, connection and communion with the Earth Currents, the Standing Stones, the Stars and the Higher Dimensional Beings-of-Light who support us.
Insights about the energetic landscape will be shared along the way.
Please bring appropriate clothing for the weather conditions, which should always include sturdy boot or shoes, as we will be walking over uneven ground through fields where animals are sometimes grazing.
NB: You are responsible for you own health and safely in this public space.
Registration & Cancellation Policy
Registration confirmation with be sent view Email to the address used for payment, and will include venue and parking information.
We offer a 24 hour cool off period, where you can cancel your booking with no penalty, after which your payment is non-refundable unless 48 hour notice is give before the start time of the event.
Early booking is both recommended and appreciated. Thank you for your understanding!
If you should send payment once the event is fully booked, or after registration is closed, a full refund will be issued.
In the event of extreme weather conditions, or other circumstances outside of our control which lead to the cancellation of the event, a full refund will issued as soon as possible.