Transformational energies continue to flow in on the cosmic waves. At this time we find the Moon joining the Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus to amplify the creative tension this pair of planets generate in their square to Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius.

There is the potential for tension here, but I feel this tension as a source of inspiration to create a situation that transcends patterns of the past, to begin a whole new way of being. If Saturn and Jupiter moving into Aquarius at Solstice was the inception of the promised Golden Age, then today we have the initialization point, where the sub-structures are primed, ready to build the bright future of our hopes and dreams. Sometimes we have to feel the pressure of being squeezed into an uncomfortable corner to connect with the impulse to ‘change’, and step out of the comfort-zone we have allowed ourselves to stay in.
Great expansion is possible now. The expression of one’s unique creative gifts brings joy to the Heart, liberation to the Mind and freedom to the Soul. The Soul is ready to ride high on the Aquarian currents to claim an expanded perspective of the Self and one’s individual contribution to the collective. Today could be the catapult which ultimately allows the Spirit to soar to new heights.