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21.21 ~ Beginnings

.....and so it starts. A blank page, as pristine white as a fresh field of snow. There are no defining lines other that the patterns we bring from the past and those shaped by natures law.

I pause and consider what it is I wish to create in the purity of this moment.

There is an expanded view available, from riding high on the Cosmic currents of the Full Moon/Solstice, where clearer sight-lines are available towards my hopes and dreams.

I am grateful for the quiet days, and the time to reflect in the pool of infinite light within the Heart. There is stillness here and a deep knowing of the eternal Self.

The presence of the White Queen of Winter, with her untainted vision of possibilities, anchors new awareness. With the gentleness of falling snowflakes new opportunities float in.

There is a freshness radiating from newly formed light-codes in the crystalline matrix.

I am excited for what 2021 will bring, and look forward to sharing the journey of this story with you.

New Year Blessings to One and ALL!!


Cosmic Classroom Library

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