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What happened: 8.8 Lion Gate & Leo New Moon review

8th August 2021. New Moon at 14.50 BST (UK)

Avebury 7th Annual 8.8 Lion Gate Gathering Review.

This years 8.8 Lion Gate was super-charged by the conjunction of Sun & Moon initiating the Leo New Moon in addition to the alignments of Mercury and Mars with fixed stars of the Leo constellation.

Many of the Lionine Star Races sent representatives to our Earth Pride gathering in Avebury to bless us with their guidance and energetic gifts. White Lions, Black Lions, Golden Lions, Blue Lions, Rainbow Lions, Humanoid Lions all graced us with their presence. It was a great council spread over a whole day, with human participants sharing a heart-space both in person and online, bringing an international community together in the Light-of-Love on this special day.

A message had been received in advance from the Lionine Beings of Sirius who spoke of the importance of sound as a vehicle of delivery for the energetic transmission of this important Lion Gate. Janine Greave stepped into the role of sound facilitator at our gathering, introducing us to her hand-crafted instruments of Silver & Brass and utilizing her striking voice to expedite the smooth arrival of roaring sounds from the Star Lions encoded on these important silver/lunar vibrations. The first wave was for personal transformation. We were invited to shine the incoming starlight into the hidden chamber in our Heart to dissolve the darkness therein. By opening our Hearts in this way more space was created in which to embrace Love, on all levels. Human burdens were highlighted for change. Releasing past sorrow, pain, grief and the fear of hurt by opening the Heart to Love. We were reminded that as the Heart blossoms more space is created in which to embrace Love on all levels. Love for the Self, Love for others who are close to us, Love for those in our communities, and love for all life ~ the greater Love, the higher Love, which connects us to the cosmic flow of Love and opens our Hearts to the understanding of the Self as a Cosmic Being connected in Oneness to ALL. This multi-dimensional awareness was highlighted by the Lions. A key was gifted to unlock a new level of perception of Self in the Mind, allowing clearer access to the inherent light-technology embedded in the Hearts of mankind. Today we take another step on our evolution towards multi-dimensional living by engaging greater command of the creative power we each hold within. The Lions stood close by to remind us of this power, facing us eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart, as equals. Demanding that we step fulling into our sovereignty by claiming our crowns and the noble peace of self certainty that come with it. Those in command of their unique gifts, their Heart-light, their full consciousness, claim the freedom of inner tranquility.

This Leo New moon is sandwiched between two Aquarius Full Moon's. The first was on 24th July, and this new lunar cycle will reach it peek on 22nd August as a Blue Moon. We were outside in the Avebury Stone Circle for the inception of this new lunation.

With blustery gusts the winds-of-change swirled around us in harmony with the deep droning sounds of a timely didgeridoo, as our group stood between the sacred stones which flank the balanced flow of M/F currents of the St Michael Ley.

New starlight landed through the New Moon portal to impact the way our world aligns with Cosmic Love, expanding our perception of what is possible among our collective. Heart-to-heart with each other, giving and receiving, our attention was turned towards amplifying the strength of the global heart-field for the illumination of ALL. Later we called to cleared more planetary pathways of Light with the supplanting sounds of the silver gong. We practiced focusing with precision on a precise place to activate a light-structure for the empower of it's local people by transmuting resistance in the earth-grids generated by subversive patterns of false power held in the land. The potency of this action left us all in no doubt of our collective influence. We could feel the joy flowing in abundance as more light was added to the collective consciousness of our kind. We experienced a strong awareness of so many other awakened souls holding the light around the globe, firing up the Heart-of-Humanity to new levels of radiance. We were told we have surpassed the tipping point of darkness and it is time to rejoice in the light of this powerful new beginning. Blessings flow to all those who joined me on this quest. There is deep love here for you! Surrounding every-body in Starlight Blessings, as always ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos.


For the Aquarius Full Moon, which is a Blue Moon, the second of two Aquarius Full Moons this year; there is an opportunity to join us for an ONLINE meditation workshop called: New Earth Illumination. Sunday 22nd August from 12 (noon) to 13.30 BST (UK Time) Full details can be found HERE

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1 Comment

Star Sister
Star Sister
Aug 16, 2021

Love those Lions and all they gift us!!


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