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Aquarius New Moon Energetic Insights from Avebury Stone Circle

1st February 2022 at 05.46 GMT (UK. Adjust for your timezone )

Marks the start of the Chinese New Year of: Water Tiger.

For the inception of this New Moon the dazzling light of Venus as the morning star was tracing a low track in the pre-dawn sky above the ancient Stones of the Avebury Circle, marking the pathway for the Imbolc Sun to follow upon it's awakening. There was some potent symbolism in this action once clarity was gained through our group Cosmic Connection Meditation, which today was held online just a little while later.

The nurturing feminine forces are being asked to offer support to the sacred masculine aspects, both within the Self and out in worldly relationships, to lead the way from an empowered place for the masculine to expand into a softer, receptive disposition, to bring balance to the whole. Message from the Stones:

Two equal strands of light unite to create 'the one' ~ Purity of the balance form. There was a deep sense of stillness in the center of the Micheal and Mary currents of the St Micheal Ley as they passed through this sacred place on their journey across the country. The points which are usually active seemed quite still in their balanced union, and it was the edges, the boundary spaces, of these expanded energy lines where movement could be observed today.

We connected with the dazzling White Light of a star named Albali in the Aquarius constellation to received important ascension codes for our planet and people. A spiral of light, with entwined threads of Gold and Silver, formed a stairway into the starlight realms. Here we were reminded that there are always other ahead of us on the ladder of life, ones whom we may look up to. There are also others that follow, and look up to us. It is not possible for everyone to be on the same step at the same time, but we are all on the same journey, following the same light. Another message came from the beautiful Beings-of-Light we encountered, about compassion for Self and others: 'by transforming the way you think about the Self you change the way you relate to those around us. By nurturing one's own light, not only do you strengthen the Self, but you add much needed light into the collective to illuminate the pathway of Love for ALL'. With mighty Saturn and it's structuring ways sitting closely beside today's Sun/Moon conjunction it was not too surprising to find there was a stabilizing force embedded into the cosmic transmission we received, to solidify the 'knowing' of the inner-light which defines individuality and sovereignty.

This lunar cycle brings a level of cohesion to the crystalline structures to form a firm foundation upon which to find one's balance with the New Earth energies. There was more, of course, which I will share in coming days, but for now I wish every-body a smooth journey through this moonth's cosmic currents, as they deliver the vibrations of change we will all experiencing as a collective; along with a final reminder to connect to the place of Peace within, as an anchor-point for one's personal balance. Sending Starlight Blessings to All from Avebury ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos.

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