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Aries Full Moon 2024: Centralized Stability

17th October 2024 at 12.26 BST  (UK Time, adjust for your location).

Hopton-on-Sea. Norfolk. UK.

The astrology for this full moon, which bringing the Solar Eclipse energy from two weeks ago to it's maximum expansion, continues to amplify the exploration of the inner space of the shadow-Self. The elementally balanced Square formed by Moon & Sun, Pluto and Mars, is connected by Mars to a Water trine, who's other points are defined by Venus and Neptune.

It seemed fitting to be within the walls of the ruined St Margaret's church at Hopton-on-Sea in Norfolk, UK, close to the Ocean. Here the two earth-currents which entwine around the famous St Michael Ley meet, to form the Eastern node of this energetic pathway, which spans the breadth of southern England, from this place to Cornwall, in the West.

It was the Black King of the Elven who accompanied me here, to guide me on a journey into the depths of the darkness, to find a black-pearl of wisdom buried at the center-point within the complexities which the mind has woven around the pure light of the Heart. New understanding surfaced which offers a new point-of-view. If we are to align with the cosmic flows which carry us into the new paradigm, there is a moment when it is important to recognize and release the structures which we have created to contain us in a 'safe space' to dream our dreams. The center-point of balance remains the same, but beyond these boundaries, energy is free to come and go like the waves of the ocean, connecting us to more of who we are as multi-dimensional Beings, and leading us towards the fulfillment of those dreams. These aspirations can not be achieved without the destruction of the container they were birthed in. For many moonths we have been encourage by the Light-Beings of the Star Nations to practice finding stability from within. Now it is time to remove the walls, which act as temporary stabilizers, like the training wheels when learning to ride a bike. Balance is now possible, without support, and through their release, new pathways open beyond these confines as a result.

For the Cosmic Connection Meditation with the MOON WISE'ing Patreon Community we engaged with the higher-dimensional Beings-of-Light from the Cepheus constellation ~ King of the stars. It seemed fitting, as the well established patriarchal consciousness is being challenged to change, as the Sun started this lunation in shadow, and the masculine energy of Mars is now the anchor-point for this star-mandala. Mars is in the watery sign of Cancer which is ruled by the Moon, and the Moon is in the fire sign of Aries, which is ruled by Mars. Both the masculine and feminine are asked here to learn from each other and support each other in a moment of surrender, with the potential to create a new source of equilibrium and harmony. Message: 'Trust the stability within. Soften your Heart. Have faith in the flows to carry you towards your dreams'.


Sue Coulson: Channel for the Star Nations | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of: Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle, and beyond.


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