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Aries Full Moon ~ Action for Self-Care.

20th October 2021 at 15.57 BST (UK Time)

Dawn broke on this Full Moon day with flashes of lightening, great rolls of thunder and a strange sepia colour to the sky as heavy rain-showers were blown in to refresh the flora and fauna. Dreams brought messages of renewal and the courage it takes to walk a new path when leaving behind the outdated structures of the past. New avenues are opening and it is now time to take action. Those who lead the charge into the New Paradigm will be closely followed by many more, overriding any resistance from those who defend the old.

By the afternoon, and the peak of the Moon, big billowing clouds formed a beautiful back-drop for our time among the Avebury Stones, illuminating these majestic ancient monoliths and the lush greenery in dappled patch's of golden sunlight.

I was drawn to the West for the zenith to connect with the element of Water. More starlight codes flood in through this moonbeam portal to support the evolutionary process being carried in the waves at this time, turning our awareness inwards to explore the Self. You may recall that the waters played a big part in the activations of the last lunar phase which began with the Virgo New Moon on the 7th September (Read more HERE ) Mercury links that lunar event with this, and brings an energy of calmness to the mind to offer relief.

Note that Mercury sits at 10 degrees Libra for both the New Moon on 7th September and the Full Moon on 20th October. This has come about because Mercury has been in its retrograde cycle.

Allow me to explain. From the 7th September Mercury moved forwards on the wheel, reaching 25 degrees Libra on the 27th September, but it then appeared to go backwards through the stars from our point of view until it stopped at 10 degrees Libra on 18th October and then began to move forwards once more.

Mercury will reach 25 degrees Libra again on the 3rd November 2021 at 12.23 GMT, and only then will this planet of communication move beyond where it has been before to connect us to new cosmic vibrations.

The current lunation brings us opportunities to re-evaluate our sense of Self and our connections to others. Messages have come from my guides, the higher dimensional Beings-of-Light from the Stars, which remind me of the importance of self-worth and self-care. One's value of Self sets the vibrational tone of how other interact with our energy. When we expand into the wholeness of our multi-dimensional Self by holding the highest of personal vibrations our eternal and infinite connections are evident. We are always connected in oneness to ALL. There is no goodbye to friends and loved ones, just togetherness, always.

....... and so it is that the special Crystal Skull who has been visiting the Cosmic Classroom goes over seas and onward in her journey to spread the Light of the ancient ones throughout the Earth. I send starry blessings of Love to ALL from Avebury, as always ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos.


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