4th June 2023 at 04.41 BST (UK Time ~ Adjust for your location).

The orange face of the Sagittarius Full Moon climbed into a velvet blue sky is spectacular style over the Avebury Stones. A blessing to behold, for sure! The Lunar orb carries the star-codes delivered from the Pleiades alignment at the Taurus New Moon (19th May) to their maximum radiance, amplifying the expansion to perception that was initiated there, and strengthening the new structures which were birthed that form the fabric of existence for the new paradigm.
Her full radiance encouraged us to surrender more completely to the primal rhythms of the cosmos, whilst aligning more clearly to the Sovereign power of one's Soul-truth than ever before, as the Sun was sitting between the horns of the celestial bull activating the Soul-Star. A re-patterning of the archetypal masculine was supported by the fundamental essence of the feminine.
Message from the Star Nations of Sarin, in the Hercules constellation: Through the acceptance of this you have the opportunity to reset your primordial values and return to the native nature of your Being. Be aware of the new sense of spiritual forces at work to support you. For the greater perception that you have the opportunity to activate here bring the ability to see, to receive new blessings from those in the unseen realms; and they deliver a surge of new potent potentiality which allows you to feel that natural fulfillment of a of your individual expansion into a new level of consciousness.
Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of : Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.
Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.