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Blackthorn brings insightful blessings

With hedgerows ablaze with abundant whiteness, as pure as freshly fallen snow, it is the Blackthorn Beings who beckons me in for a closer view.

Their delicate white flowers are the perfect balance in perspective for the insights they deliver, for the spirit of Blackthorn draws one into the depths of the darkness, to explore the wounds held in the shadows caused by the thorns of life.

At my feet are vibrant new shoots of Woundwort to remind me that it is the root-chakra, and all that is stored here, that is opening to new possibilities as we step into a new lunar cycle. The Aries vibrations speak of our primal essence.

The foundations of our life structures are in question and the fundamental beliefs we have both learned and formed are being shaken so that we can loosen our grip on the past. As the Blackthorn reminds me: the new growth offers so much brightness, its light can seem dazzlingly, blinding us from the potential held within its gifts.

Blackthorn also offers us lessons about boundaries. As the incoming codes of the new paradigm open our sensitivity and senses to a broader perspective, our boundaries are called into question, opening an opportunity for review. Some can be softened, some may need to be strengthened, others can be dissolved as they are no longer required.

This weekend I was aware of new levels opening up in the substructures which support us. By consciously connecting with new depths, a new sense of stability is available. This has enabled the balance needed to feel secure whilst standing in the forceful waves of the incoming light at this time. The phoenix steps in with insights to support this rebirth process. As the full spectrum of a bright white light sits on the horizon of a new way, it casts long shadows of darkness. As the light rises, the shadows are diminished until ALL is bathed in the purity of these expanding rays.

There is much wisdom to receive by listening to the messages which are reflected to us from our surroundings. It is my hope that by sharing these insights they support your own exploration.

Surrounding Every-Body in Starlight Blessings, as always ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

She is dedicated to supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos through the events and workshops she offers.


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