2nd January 2022 at 18.33 GMT
New light-structures form on the surface of our world like dew-drops glistening in the most dazzling dawn, to bring new levels of radian illumination. The vibrations which emanate from these star-born codes touch all forms of Life, from plants, animals, birds and insects, as they weave themselves into the mineral matrix and the water-flows to empower the collective.
They bring elevated awareness of the cosmic infrastructure, as they offer new patterns into the matrix of consciousness, allowing for all to reach into the higher dimensions with ease. The message which accompanies this activation is about choice, and we are reminded that there is always choice. We can listen to the knowing of the higher-self which flows through the Heart, or we can resist with logic and reason, or old patters built into our belief systems. The words of guidance which came from the higher-dimensional Beings-of-Light from a star named Nunki, which was close to the position of the Moon at this time, were: 'Your mind is like a tap, controlling the flow of wisdom. Learn to loosen your grip on the mind'. I was shown the image of a large hosepipe, like a fireman's hose, which is a container to directs the flow. However, if we grip it too tight the flow is hindered or even cut off. 'All conscious Beings have a choice about how they handle the cosmic-flows for all have a light-source of personal power embedded within'. Bright Blue Light was gifted to us which has an abrasive action, if we chose to activate this capacity. It was offered to support our clearing processes, to allow more of our own light to shine.
The final words I received were: 'You have a Higher Power'. As always, I am grateful to those who joined me on this journey and shared their experiences so beautifully to add clarity to the star-wisdom we were gifted through this meditation. It is my intention to write a longer review of this session, as this New Moon brought closure to the Autumn Eclipse Season. A strong theme of personal empowerment runs through the whole two month cycle and I intend to offer a summary of all of this in the coming days. For now I send Starry Blessings to ALL, as always, and wish every-body an empowered beginning to the new lunar cycle and the New Year! I hope all your and dreams for 2022 come true. ~ Sue xXx
Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.
Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos.