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Easter: Quarter Moon Energy Insights

VBlog: 4.4.21 ~ Phoenix at Glastonbury White Spring

For Crystal Skull Sunday this week it is the Phoenix which called for attention again, following the cosmic flows forwards from last week's full moon meditation. You can view that HERE The symbolism of the rebirth energy embodied by Phoenix fits well with the Easter story, and lifts us into new heights of self-awareness at this quarter moon, as we integrate all the transformational codes that has been offered from the starlight realms during this lunar cycle. This week saw a journey to the sacred waters of the White Spring in Glastonbury to reflect on the emotional cleansing available through the silver rays. Phoenix say's: 'I speak to you of new levels of Truth and Trust

Trust that when your heart-light is clear and true, it knows which pathways lead to your expansion. To receive this guidance you must surrender. Surrender requires a deep level of trust. Fear must be forgotten. Trust in the beauty.

Trust in Love.

Trust in the starlight splendor of each moment.

Trust yourself to believe in the knowing of your Heart. You do not need to question this Truth.

Your Heart feels truth as oneness in harmony with cosmic law; resonating like a symphony of starlight sounds, as joyful as the bird-song as sunrise, and the breathless wonder of the bejeweled skies of a clear night. Signal to the body to unite Heart and Mind.

Feel the wings at your back extend and expand. You are ready to ride the cosmic currents and explore the multi-dimensional realms which have been waiting for your evolution to bring you to this moment. Fly FREE ~ Enjoy the ride.

You are ready to glide upwards to a higher perspective of Self'

I am most grateful for these words from the Phoenix and hope they mean something to you too ~ Surrounding Every-Body in Blessings this Easter, and always ~ Sue x


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

She is dedicated to supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos through the events and workshops she offers.


Details of the Phoenix Crystal Skulls in stock at The Henge Shop in Avebury can be found HERE


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