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Gemini Full Moon 2024: Cosmic Correlations of Polarization

15th December 2024 at 09.01 GMT. (UK Time. Adjust for your location).

Avebury Stone Circle Cosmic Connection Meditation. The day leading up to this Full Moon the energy was swirly, and I found it hard to function, as it felt like my head was stuck in dream-land ~ Somewhere other than here. I was grateful for the harmonizing vibrations which were to follow, and provide Cosmic Correlation of Polarized Perceptions: Head & Heart Creative Integration. Galactic Chakra & Earth Star ~ Above and Below. Human Aspect & Higher-Self. Individuality within Collective Consciousness.

Expression & Withdrawal.

There was such a buoyant and expansive energy among the Stones during the peek of the full moon. The two yin/yang earth currents which flow through this ancient sacred site were traveling smoothly, in cohesion together, deep underground, with only shallow ripples on the surface today (which is not always the case). The incoming vibrations supported stable equilibrium within ~ a conduit to anchor the higher-dimensional lightcodes that have been stirring things up in the proceeding days, into the ground.

The Moon and Sun, supported by the mutual reception of Jupiter in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius, were in square to Neptune in Pisces; opening communication pathways to connect aspects of the human-Self and the higher-Self with the dream-of-dreams held in the Heart of Gaia.

Mercury turned direct today, and it's stillness among the stars was reflected below, with the Earth energy feeling voluminous and omnipresent.

Star Date 12-12 had delivered some significant balancing energy prior to the full moon, which has been woven into the vibrational content of this lunar cycle. On the 12th December we found Venus and Mars in directly opposite positions among the stars, expanding the development of the Sovereign Light of the new paradigm. It came with a message from the Stone Beings of Avebury: 'There is a line which exists only in the programs of the Mind, between love & fear, good & bad, you & them, here & there, then & now. The Heart knows only of the wholeness of ALL ~ Choose carefully which one you appoint as your guide'.


For the Cosmic Connection Meditation with the MOON WISE Patreon Community, for the Gemini Full Moon, our group made a conscious connection with the Meissa system, formed by a giant blue star and it's companions, to represent the head of Orion.

The main star is 200,000 time brighter than our sun, and it's name means 'the shining one'. It sits at the center of a ring nebular star cluster. It is thought to be the remains of a supernova explosion, now ionized by the intense ultraviolet radiation from Meissa itself, and some of the surrounding hot stars. (Wikipedia). Orion the Hunter is opposite Ophiuchus, the healer/serpent bearer, on the celestial sphere. At the inception of this lunation, for the Sagittarius New Moon, we worked with the energy of Ophiuchus, to enhance mental metamorphosis. (Read the review HERE). This theme has prevailed, offering re-patterning opportunities for the sacred masculine forces, from the old paradigm into the new. The stars of Orion have played a significant part in the star-code activation in resent moonth, featuring also in the Pisces Full Moon, and Taurus Full Moon, energy matrix. For this Gemini Full Moon we welcomed a beautiful and dazzling transmission from the higher-dimensional Beings-of-Light who call Meissa their home. The Blue/Violet Rays we received, by etherically tuning in, initiated an activation of the energetic pathways of the body to expand the central column, connecting the galactic chakra and earth star chakra more clearly into the cosmic infrastructure than ever before. The Head/Heart balance was also synchronized, and I personally felt my throat/thyroid center integrate a valued re-set.

The message which came through to describe this state of 'connectedness' was beauty-full: 'Purity of Peace.

Gentleness of Serenity.

Grace of Majesty.

Light of Divinity.

Power of Sovereignty'. Words also came in the remembering of the lyrics to a song by 'Prince and Sheena Easton': 'Orion's arms are wide enough to hold to all together'. The arrival of these starcodes from Orion sparked the emergence of new meaning for me from this old love song. In the moment I could sense the togetherness of the cosmic collective, micro and macro, rather than focus upon the relationship of individual sweet-hearts.

Embodying this energy, we explored the theme of a connected & conscious 'Hunter'. One who is not fueled by dominance and aggression, but by inner awareness of the 'healing' balance played out in the hunter/prey dynamic, to nourish the individual and bring harmony to the outer eco-system ~ A primal role in our evolution that is beyond fear and is instead an expresses of Self-empowerment ~ The Sovereign Creation, hunting to manifest sustenance and harmony for ALL, in an understanding of cosmic togetherness. As always, I send gratitude to those who joined me on this journey, and starry blessings to ALL ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel for the Star Nations | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of: Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle, and beyond.


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