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Gemini Full Moon: Carrying the Ocean Star-codes to the Heart-Chakra of Earth

Updated: May 17, 2023

8th December 2022 at 04.08 GMT (UK Time. Adjust for your location)

The Gemini Full Moon speaks to us of the duality of life, and brings an opportunity to reflect upon striking a balance between the polarities of our Being: The physical and spiritual Self, the logical/rational processes of the Mind, and emotional/intuitive insights of the Heart.

This potent lunar cycle, which will carry us forwards through Solstice, was initiated at the Sagittarius New Moon (23rd November) in communion with the Elven One's at the Ocean. The message which accompanied this inception was one of Trust: 'the potential to make the intangible tangible is only a breath away, when the projections of the mind are mastered and clear focus is placed upon the pathway opened by the knowing of the Heart'. With this concept amplified by the full lunar radiance it is clearer to perceive the new reality which is forming around us ALL.

Retrograde Mars in conjunction with the Moon has slowed down the drive to move ideas forwards and created a opportunity to reflect more deeply on the emotional truths which the Heart holds. It is a time to evaluate what resonates Now with the view of the future Self, and to release attachments to the old patterns which keep the Heart tethered to outdated structures. On the 18th December the Sun will make it's annual alignment with the Galactic Center, where it is anticipated that new Cosmic Codes will be delivered from the Star Nations to form further foundations to received all that will flow in during the seasonal shift of Solstice on the 21st December. (There is an event in Avebury to receive this transmission. View the details HERE.

Also, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will transition from the last degree of Pisces into Aries on the 20th December (12.15 GMT). This planet holds an important influence on the collective consciousness, so as it steps over the threshold which marks the end of the zodiac and the start of a new cycle; it indicates a period of completion and the initialization of a paradigm shift in the progression towards New Earth.

With so much riding on the vibrations of this lunation it felt fitting to carry the star-codes which were received by the Sea two weeks ago, onto the land and into the sacred Heart of the Earth-grids, by following the flows of the masculine and feminine earth-currents which are entwined around the St Michael Ley, from Hopton-on-Sea to Avebury Stone Circle.

I started this 170 mile journey (as the crow flies) just 500 meters from the waters edge, where the two polarized currents converge and cross inside the ruined church dedicated to St Margaret.

The node point here was pulsing strongly, and I could feel the effects of the combined vibrations rising up from the Earth reverberating through my spine behind my Heart. My sense of this was one of a clearing being offered to me, and in the moment which this awareness dropped in, it started to rain, confirming the effects.

I had not been here before and was surprise about the power of this place, and found it to be of a familiar vibration, recognizable as the energy with also flows through Avebury.

I had been told ahead of time that there were specific star-codes to be anchored here from Mirfak, the alpha star of the Perseus Constellation. It made me smile when I discovered a ship anchor outside the church, as it was another confirmation that I had been guided here for good reason.

I also stopped at Bury-St-Edmonds and Royston to connect with the node points along the St Michael Ley, before arriving in Avebury to a magnificent view of the Moon and Stars in a cold winter sky over the ancient stone circle. Here I facilitated a group meditation where we once again called in the star-codes from Mirfak and then received a supportive message from the Martians: 'Mastery of the mind requires a willingness to surrender to the wisdom of the Heart. Focus is required, not externally, but internally, as diligent awareness of the information which is funneled from the cosmic flows into the Heart holds the key to sovereign empowerment'.

By following the guidance of my Heart... so it was that the waves of starlight codes from the Ocean were delivered safely to Avebury, into the nurturing embrace of the Heart-of-Gaia.

A little later, Moon-set was magnificent, with a striking view of an apparent 'larger than life' lunar orb hanging over the Henge Shop, which is home to the Cosmic Classroom; whilst the golden sunrise in the south-east turned the sky a subtle shade of pink in the north-west, reminding me of the abundance of Love which flow on the cosmic threads of light.

With everything sparkling in the frosty light, it is easy to imagine the starlight landing on the crystalline structures which hold the energy of a new way of Being for us ALL


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of : Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.

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