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Message from High Elven Beings of the Pleiades Stars

Crystal Skull Sunday ~ 16th May 2021

As I tune-in for guidance, ahead of a big week of events planned to receive starlight transmissions from the Pleiades Beings during the upcoming solar transit, a simple message is gifted from these most benevolent of Beings.

'Love. Love. Love. Love is ALL you need'.

It is obvious. It is simple. But it is not always the easy choice when lost in the contrasts of day-to-day life.

Of course 'the' song comes to mind in a flash:

Love, love, love Love, love, love Love, love, love

There's nothing you can do that can't be done Nothing you can sing that can't be sung Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game It's easy

All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need

All you need is love ~ All together now All you need is love ~ Everybody All you need is love, love Love is all you need

(McCartney/Lennon ~

I leave you all wrapped in a bubble of Love, for a lovely weekend and coming week ~ With heart-felt gratitude for the ongoing support from the Star Nations, and everyone connected to me through the Cosmic Classroom. I send much Love to ALL, as always ~ Sue xXx

________________________________________ Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos. ________________________________________ Image: Amethyst Star Elfin Available exclusively at Henge Skulls Avebury

________________________________________ To view the details of the upcoming Pleiades Events please click HERE


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