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Oceans of Emotion: Pisces Full Moon

21st September 2021 at 00.55 BST (UK Time).

The Star Elfin's and I have been at the beach to tune into the energy of this potent watery time.

Air and earth, salty seas and a fresh onshore breeze brings into sharp focus the ocean of emotions delivered to us by this lunar cycle of connecting with the ancestral knowing locked into the land and the timelines.

Energetically, it is a fully activated fertile environment for fulfillment when we are prepared to commit completely to the process of inner development. Transcendence is the reward for self-discipline and dedication to our spiritual practices.

There are so many in the unseen realms holding the light for our ascension into a place of acceptance of Self and our active engagement in the collective dream of unity, Peace and joy.

As you rest this night, dream.......... dream the dream for us ALL.

With Equinox just around the corner there is a real opportunity to find balance in the stillness of the earth currents and expand into the knowing of our expanded Self. One Heart at Peace, like one drop of water in the ocean, contributes greatly to the whole, for without each individual there would be no collective.

Embrace the uniqueness of your gifts and let your light shine.

Surrounding every-body in waves of Love, Light, and Full Moon Blessings ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos.


The Star Elfin's are a new design for 2021, created by Philippe Ullens and his team at the Henge Shop in Avebury. Great care that has been taken by skilled artists in order to bring the vision of these Beings to life in a range of high quality gemstones. The detailing is exquisite on these distinct and unique carving, and I feel privileged to have witness the love that has been poured into the process of their Birth. They each carry the very special Avebury vibrations.

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