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Pisces New Moon Energy Insights

2nd March 2022 at 17.34 GMT (UK Time)

On this 2-3-22 day we find the Sun/Moon and Jupiter in alignment with each other in the sign of Pisces on the zodiac wheel activating a new Lunar cycle.

We also find Mercury and Saturn in conjunction with each other in Aquarius, and Venus, Mars and Pluto sitting together in Capricorn.

When the outer planets are connected to the inner planets in this way we can anticipate external influence to be a catalyst for personal change.

The incoming cosmic vibrations initiates a challenge for the coming moonth as further expansion is delivered for our integration, where resolve is required to embody one's Soul-Self more clearly to find balance within. It brings an opportunity to develop one's character by questioning the integrity behind both thought and action as we are called to co-create more clearly in a conscious manner in the collective.

One who is fully aligned with the power-of-Self has much to give. One who's focus is scattered can easily be knocked of balance and therefore is limited in what can be contributed.

The Pisces influence invites us to align our dream for the self with 'The Dream' of Earth to create a new way for our world, TOGETHER.

In union, the strength of our individual Heart-Lights will illuminate the path to New Earth.

It begins within. I was at the beach to welcome this energy and you can view my review below.

Sending Blessings to All, as always ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of Avebury's ancient stone circle.


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