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Pleiades Star-codes of Eclipse Season

Updated: May 19, 2022

The White Queen of the High Elven Pleiadian Star Beings stepped forwards on the 27th April 2022 to bring words as I sat in meditation to receive star-wisdom during the Neptune & Venus conjunction taking place within the Pisces Stars. This alignment is significant when we consider the great dance taking place with the planets this spring, and I will explain more below.......

First I share her words, which flowed through me with such clarity: 'Divine Light. Divine Love. Mother, mother, mother, mother, mother, mother, mother.... (I saw images of the maternal line going back through all time) The Great Mother nurtures all mothers, and all mother contribute to the expanding consciousness of 'motherhood' held in the heart of Gaia, as each child is born.

There is a resource here. Draw upon it's strength.

To care for the Self in the same way as one would care for a new-born, is to connect fully with the flows-of-life which rides on the waves of Love. These threads of Love & Light form the fabric of the cosmic infrastructure. Connect yourself fully. Replenish your Self-Love through Self-acceptance. In so doing you claim your Queenly status as the Sovereign Self.

The empowered Queen sits on a thrown of purity and peace. Life-force flows to-and-fro freely, filling the well of her Heart in abundant Love, connecting her to ALL through radiant threads of compassion'.

My Heart felt great comfort in the moment of energetic feeling these words

It can be all too tempting at this time to dive deeply into the dream-world and disappear into an alternate state of reality. With so many planets sitting among the dreamy Pisces Stars (including: Venus, Mars, plus Neptune and Jupiter, the co-rulers of this zodiac sign) it is easier than ever to achieve. But whilst there can be much learned from the experiences of exploring other realms we are urged to remember that we are here in the physical to bring the Light of our Hearts to Earth.

Venus is the planet associated with the principles of harmony, beauty, refinement, affections, love, and the urge to unite with others.

Neptune is associated with the collective consciousness, idealism, dreams, and the dissolution of structure as a way to evolve into acceptance of universal truths.

Through many years of experience connecting with the Pleiades Beings I know that they resonate strongly with all of these principles. They always offering wisdom to support a deeper understanding of the Power-of-the-Heart and the Cosmic consciousness connected here.

The movement of the planets this spring creates new currents in the cosmic flows which hold the potential to deepen our awareness of our Heart's role in the cosmic infrastructure, as both Mercury and Venus align with the Pleiades Stars at significant times with regards to the positions of the Sun and Moon.

27th April 2022

Venus/Nepture/Moon conjunction.

30th April 2022

New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus, ruled by Venus. Venus in conjunction with Jupiter the planet of expansion. Mercury the planet of communication is alignment with the Pleiades Stars.

10th May 2022

Mercury turns retrograde to carry this energy back towards another conjunction with the Pleiades

16th May 2022

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse. Venus in conjunction with Chiron the wounded healer.

20th & 21st May 2022

Sun moves through the Pleiades Stars

21st May 2022

Mercury in direct conjunction with the Sun whilst in alignment with the Pleiades Stars.

13th & 14th June 2022

Mercury moves through the Pleiades Stars.

14th June 2022

Full Moon. Mercury in alignment with Pleiades Stars

21st June 2022


22nd June 2022

Venus in alignment with Pleiades Stars

There is much more complexity to these cycles which will add further dynamics to the vibrations, but I hope you can see here the important role the Pleiades star-codes will contribute to this seasons potent energetic influence. Hear more of the details, along with insights into the influence of the 2020 & 2021 Eclipse Season upon the Cosmic Infra-Structures in the Video below...

Pleiades Mission

Each year in May I offer meditation workshops to connect in a conscious way with the Beings of the Pleiades Star and their heart expanding Light-codes. This year it feels like an important 'mission' to be fully present to receive the transmissions they offer us for personal and planetary expansion during the Eclipse Season.

There is to be an online workshops to bring through Star Wisdom at the Solar Eclipse on the 30th April and the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th May ~ View the details HERE.

There are a number of online workshops to receive the Pleiades star-codes. The first of which opens a connection with the High Elven Pleiades Star Beings, the second is timed to the Solar/Mercury alignment with Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades cluster. View the details HERE.

I can feel the energy building the foundations for a new way of Being for us all, as we move closer to a reality of Heart-centered living by welcoming this level on consciousness, and I hold a humble place in my own Heart knowing that some amazing souls will join me on this journey.

Sending Starry Blessings to ALL, as always ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.


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