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Sagittarius New Moon 2024: Ascension in Cosmic Consciousness

Updated: Dec 3, 2024

Sunday 1st December 2024 at 06.20 GMT (UK Time. Adjust for your location.

The astrology for the inception of this new lunar cycle was supportive of the ascension process into the new paradigm, with Pluto activating a re-birthing for the Masculine forces of mankind's mind & heart. ~ The Sun & Moon in trine with Mars offered a nurturing perspective to the newly forming perception of Self-identification.

There has been so much evidence of the Golden Age flowing in on the Golden Rays in resent days. It is a tonic to the soul to see such beautiful confirmations.

Jupiter is sitting in the sky among the stars of Orion, the great hunter, at this time, also amplifying celestial attention on the primal patriarchal patterns.

For the Cosmic Connection Meditation with the MOON WISE Patreon Community, our group made a conscious connection with a star in the constellation of Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer and healer; who sits opposite Orion on the celestial sphere, to stand above the Sun and Moon in this moment. Such gently nourishing energy was gracefully gifted to us by the Higher Dimensional Beings-of-Light we engaged with from Han, a blue-white star 1,120 times brighter than out Sun, to enhance mental metamorphosis to allow the Sovereign Self the inner-freedom to receive the foresight needed to create with altruistic responsibility. Message: 'Be at peace with all that you are. The Golden Light guides you into the realms of other dimensions, where further aspects of the Self are waiting to be recognized and integrated. The time is ripe now for this expansion in personal identity (not before), enhancing your awareness of Cosmic Consciousness. Accept your role as a Creator more fully, and 'create' the future you wish to see. Identify the core seeds of the dreams you hold, and work towards it. Accept nothing less. The time for compromise is over. NEVER violate your truth. Hold it gently and nurture it's existence by focusing upon it often. A new version of you is emerging. It will grow by letting the past go. You have transcended your old reality and cannot go back. Accept this. Accept the new version of You'.

A new place called for my attention, so I was not in Avebury (as usual) to anchor the starcodes, but instead Warham Henge: Iron Age Fort in North Norfolk. Learn more about this sacred site HERE.

A Red Kite was circle above the double concentric rings of banks and ditches when I arrived. Soon after a Swan appeared, to guide me, with its graceful wisdom, showing me the path of an earth-current which travels through the Land here. The Elven One's joined me in ceremony beside a seasoned Oak Elder, who welcome us with open arms, and told of many tales, for it has witness much at this ancient site. Zoya (Picture Jasper) and Okushini (Red Lepardskin Jasper) have both been part of my team for a few years now and support my work with the energetic structures of the Earth relating to the timelines of past and future.

As I sank into the stillness of this secluded sacred place, an enhanced awareness of refined sensitivity surfaced, of the delicate inter-connected-ness of all things.

After the drive here, it took a little while for me to settle, but I came to realize just how tuned in the birds and animal were to the subtle shifts in energy my presence here generated. For example, walking through the energy line in the land caused the flocks of birds feeding by the river to take flight, not just once, but numerous time. I don't believe it was my physical movement that disturbed them, but that they could sense a vibrational shift as I interacted with the flow. For me this understanding forms the basis of the wisdom I will take away: Cosmic Consciousness connects us ALL, and each action we each take has an effect on the whole. It is a sobering realization that each thought holds a vibration, and reinforces the message which was received from the Lightbeings during our group meditation. Our Mind's intention matters. I leave you to ponder these insights and send starlight blessings, as always ~ Sue xXx


Sue Coulson: Channel for the Star Nations | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of: Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle, and beyond.


Join the 'MOON WISE' community on Patreon to participate in creating a personal and planetary shift in consciousness, and receive exclusive behind the scenes info about Sue's journey on the Land through the lunar cycles with the Star Nations.

You can register now for a 7 day free trial. 


The Star Elfins were designed and produced by the creative team at Henge Skulls in Avebury, and originally released to the market in 2021 as exclusive pieces. The design has since been copied and can now be found in many outlets. I feel blessed to know that all the Beings who are part of my team carry the authentic energy and refined carving of those who conceived of them, and carefully watched over the process of their birth.


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