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Solar Eclipse: Water Purification by Dragon Fire

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

Libra Micro New Moon & Halo Solar Eclipse ~ 14th October 2023 at 18.55 BST World Dragon Day. Mayan White Wizard Day.

The Solar Eclipse brought so many blessings ~ Air-shaking, Earth-quaking expansions of Star-Fire and Heart-Light, to align our physical forms, body water, minds, hearts and multi-dimensional Self with the new Cosmic Flows by purging the past. So powerful! yet so simple, graceful, joyful and pure.

The elemental dragons watched over the arrival of potent new star-codes brought in to the Avebury Stone Circle by the White Dragon to empower the sacred waters of our world.

They also delivered a de-LIGHT-Full group of luminous world-travelling souls to my door, and I had the pleasure of their company at some special places out in the sacred landscape surrounding Avebury.

The fresh water spring was joyfully conveying the purity held within the body of the earth ~ mirroring the well of radiance waiting to be expressed from our Sovereign Hearts.

'Bathe in the bliss of being fully present, as Now is the time to step out of the shadows and shine'.

Sending starry blessings, as always ~ Sue x


Sue Coulson: Channel | Workshop Facilitator | Founder of : Cosmic Classroom™, Avebury, UK.

Supporting multi-dimensional self-awareness & active communication with the conscious Beings of the Cosmos from the Heart of the Avebury Stone Circle.


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